This summer has been…
This is the first summer of my life that hasn't begun with school coming to an end. There was no beginning of summer really… I kept my exact same schedule at work, and all that changed was the temperature outside. I guess this is how everyone in the working world feels! Welcome to the real world! Haha but seriously in my defense, it feels very weird. It has been so SO nice to have school be over for Layton though. That cutie finished his first year with flying colors WOO! This is also our first summer living in Virginia… bring on the humidity!
Full of Stress
Law school is out! Doesn't that mean no more stress until the Fall? WRONG. OGI's (on grounds interviews) are coming up for next year's internship and we have been hard at work networking, cover letterING, resumeING, and stressING. We have no idea where we want to end up, but we will see what options open up! In the meantime I'm grateful for my hardworking partner in crime.
Full of Adventures
The BEST part about summer so far has been coming home from work to find Layton waiting for me to go do something! Living in Charlottesville in the summer has already given us some of the funnest times and memories. As of late we have ventured down south to the Natural Bridge and went camping.
The Natural Bridge! It was so much cooler than we thought rivaling maybe even the Delicate Arch?

The Natural Bridge! It was so much cooler than we thought rivaling maybe even the Delicate Arch?
We also have had fun going to some of the lakes around Charlottesville and beachin it.
All in all… it's been a GOOD summer so far. Can't wait to see whats to come!