Sunday, July 28, 2013

too many goodbyes

Well we leave tomorrow for Charlottesville, Virginia.  July 29th has been a date looming over my head for months, and I can't believe it came.  It completely crept up on us and ready or not... here we come. There have been too many goodbyes. Too many hard, sad goodbyes.
Goodbye to my piano students, most of whom I might never see again. They have turned into fine pianists over the years, and now I have to say goodbye and give my little friends and wonderful works in progress to another teacher.

Goodbye to Amelia, my two year-old best friend for the summer. I only nannied her for a couple months, but she quickly found her way into my heart. I looked forward to spending time with her and her mom Kristina every day. It was such a rewarding way to spend my summer days, and was definitely a way to get mom prep! Saying goodbye to her was a hard one, and it's safe to say I love this girl.

Goodbye to friends and family was of course the hardest. It is hard to leave the people closest to you. Your support group, your comfort, and your roots.  I know it's only until Christmas, but it's hard to say goodbye nonetheless. It is a new chapter of our lives, and in a way, things will never be the same. Good thing relationships are lifelong!

Our buds the Enslins and Jensens are also going away to school. The Enslins to Houston, Jensens to L.A., and the Bells to VA. Crazy that we are all on different adventures across the country.
We had a little going away BBQ at sugarhouse with the two fams. 
Goodbye to Grandma Joan was so sad. We will miss living with her. She has been so amazing to let us live with her, and we will never be able to repay her for all she has done for us. 

... and of course.... goodbye Rosie!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

all packed!

After many long days of packing, our pod is successfully STUFFED. We had a lot of help from fam and friends moving our stuff, organizing junk, D. I. ing, throwing away, etc! Who knew as newlyweds you accumulate so much stuff? It made me once again grateful for all those wedding gifts! Who knows where we would be without them. Just clothes and toothbrushes I guess! The pod was the perfect size and all ready to go to Charlottesville.


To continue celebrating the holiday (since packing pods is a good way to celebrate on a holiday.... not) we went on a beautiful hike up big cottonwood canyon. I soaked up beautiful Utah knowing that goodbye was coming soon. 
Such a fun day full of hard work and quality fam time. The night ended with smores  and fireworks. 

Driving home after all the festivities, Layton and I pulled up to our place to see the pod gone. It had been picked up and shipped off. We sat there staring at the place the pod once stood. All our stuff was traveling to Charlottesville, VA. Reality sunk in. We will soon be going too. No turning back now!
- lauren

Friday, July 19, 2013

Every year the Bell's go to Bear Lake for a weekend in July. I've been lucky enough to go three times now, and have so much fun every year, but this year was by far my favorite. The weather was perfect, everyone was there, and it was a BLAST. We boated, paddle boarded, and played by the lake. At night we chatted until the A.M. about funny stories, table topics, and more. We munched on delicious food, had a carnival night and went on many lake walks. Probably the highlight of the trip was watching What Lies Beneath with Liane who had never seen it. I couldn't possibly be scared as she made me laugh with her screaming and kicking of her feet. It was sad to think that this was one of our last weekends in Utah. I am so grateful to have the best in laws a girl could ask for. It's always a good time with the Bells!

Monday, July 8, 2013

growing pains

People joke about how sentimental I am, and it's true. I get very attached to things, and consider many ordinary and simple moments in life to be special. So it is no wonder that I struggle with change.  That closing a chapter of my life is difficult, and hard to let go. In the last year there has been so much change and growing up to do. I got married to the love of my life, which was a big and wonderful change. My parents moved out of the house I grew up in, which was the best decision for them, but in the process of moving, I had to say goodbye to my childhood home. I graduated college and said goodbye to my schooling years (at least for a little while). I may get a Masters in Piano Performance, but if I choose a different degree, then it is goodbye to piano lessons and the instruction that shaped the musician I am. Layton and I decided to get a new car, but that meant I had to say goodbye to my red bug, Ruby. And no, it is not just a car. Layton got into University of Virginia School of Law, and we know its the right decision to go. I am so excited to have an adventure and start a new life! But that means closing the chapter on my old life. Saying goodbye to Salt Lake City, my home for 16 years. It means that I have to say goodbye to being up the street from my parents, and minutes away from my closest friends. It means that I will be in a new and different place where I will know no one. No one will know me as blonde Lauren Nelson, pianist, soccer player, and friend. Instead I will be a stranger, brunette, Lauren Bell. All of this change and especially moving to Virginia means a lot of things, but one thing most of all. 
It means I have to be brave. 
I love this quote, and I think it describes our situation perfectly...
Layton and I are sailors right now, standing on the shore. And in three weeks we will take off across the ocean with nothing ahead of us but the unknown. Growing pains are part of life, but I know that taking a leap of faith off the shore will make the biggest difference in our lives. It will be hard, new and different, but sometimes the hardest thing and right thing are the same. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

A Happy Fourth

The Fourth of July is by far Layton's favorite holiday. He says it even beats Christmas... (which I think is taking things a little too far.) I've always loved the Fourth, but Layton has definitely has opened my eyes even more to the greatness of America's birthday. Here is a list we came up with why the Fourth of July is the best (is Layton's opinion) and the second best (in my opinion) holiday. 

1. The heat. It's summer time and the weather is at it's prime! 

2. The festivities always include something with water: boating, swimming, etc. 

3. The food. Barbecue hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, etc is just relish!

4. The fireworks of course! I don't know about you, but I catch myself with my jaw open and a smile on my face every time I watch a firework show. 

5. Here is one I came up with. The expectations. All you expect on the Fourth of July is heat and fireworks... and you get it! Other holidays (Valentines Day) have expectations that are sometimes unrealistic, and leave you hanging. But not the Fourth! No matter what it's hot, and you will see fireworks. I guarantee it. 

We had such a great Fourth of July that started out with boating at Jordanelle. The air was warm, and the lake's water was a perfect temperature... nothing better!!

Then we had a BBQ at the Bells with everyone including little Sydney who just turned one. She loves Layton, almost as much as I do:) 

 We had a blast eating yummy food and playing badminton. I love my Bell sissies so much. 

Here are all five grandkids. Ages 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1!

 The Sugarhouse firework show was amazing of course, and we had a little after party at the Bells. 
 To top off the great weekend we went to the Bees game with my dad! What's more American than baseball? And eating a hot dog while watching baseball? And... churros, peanuts, and cotton candy.... Yeah it was pretty gross:) but oh so worth it
Layt and I made it on the kiss cam... one of our proudest moments as a couple! haha

We ran into Mika and Jimmy! Our faves. 

All in all, it was a successful fourth. We are proud to be Americans, and grateful for our amazing family and friends